Mario Perotti Virtual World |
The meaning of the name Perotti. The name Perotti is arised in Italy. According to the italian dictonary for surnames, the name is a variant from the name PIETRI. |
History of the name PEROTTI Very old and nobel family from Sassoferato. The first notes date from 1080. The documented genealogy starts at Francesco (Perotti) living in 1400. In 1454 he and his descendants are 'added' to the nobility from Arcevia. Morfasso and surroundig is the cradle for the dutch relatives. |
The coat of arms of Niccolò PEROTTI (1430-1480) In the archives of the Vatican in Rome the earliest document known with the original drawing of the coat of arms from Niccolò Perotti, born in 1430. The coat has a silver lion clibing a golden ladder with a red background. Recently I obtained this coat of arms from this document which is archived in the Vatican. This document in Latin was copied by Niccolò Perotti, with marginalia by Perotti and Pomponio Leto, Coat of Arms of Niccolò Perotti, Rome, Third quarter of the fifteenth century. According to this information 'Though clearly not Christian, and sometimes obscene, the Roman epigrammatist Martial was a favorite author among curial humanists. In the 1470s, Pomponio Leto encouraged Niccolò Perotti, a prominent member of Cardinal Bessarion's circle, to edit their common efforts to explain the difficult text of Martial's "Epigrams." This manuscript was annotated by both Leto and Perotti. In a marginal note Perotti explains a Latin word by giving its Greek etymology, "striblo."' |
The pedigree chart from Alwin Perotti. MARIO GIUSEPPE Perotti (born: 25-10-1956) JOHANNES Perotti (born: 24-07-1929 +25-07-1995) JOHANNES Perotti (born: 24-04-1904 +01-05-1977) JOHANNES Perotti (born: 15-12-1864 +24-01-1937) JOHANNA ANNA Perotti (born: 24-09-1841 +20-09-1918) GIUSEPPE Perotti (born: 02-07-1817 +09-12-1851) GIUSEPPE Perotti (born: 1762 +31-01-1817) |
The immigrant Giuseppe Perotti. The immigrant Giuseppe Perotti was born in 1817 in a small village in the mountains not far from Morfasso (Piacenza) in North Italy. My uncle has published his book 'PEROTTI, De resultaten van een genealogisch, heraldisch en etymologisch onderzoek'. In this book he gives a very clear description about the results of 20 years genealogic research and the history of our surname. Almost all the the "Perotti's" living in the Netherlands at this moment are descendants of Giuseppe Perotti. Back to the Mario Perotti Homepage |